“Bayesian Statistical Analyses for the Human, Social and Cognitive Sciences” The guests for the first day of Summer School were: Michele Scandola, Marco Tullio Liuzza and Daniele Romano. The lecture’s topic was a wholesome introduction to the Bayesian logic for…
Categoria: techniques and methodologies
Bayesian Statistical Analyses for the Human, Social and Cognitive Sciences
The Summer School is jointly organized by the NPSY-Lab.VR, at the Department of Human Sciences, at the University of Verona, and the BASIC-NPSYResearch Group. It is designed for Ph.D. students, post-doctoral research fellows and early career scholars from a variety of disciplines…
Next Seminar: “The contribution of the investigation of white matter disconnections to neuropsychology”
Dear all, the next seminar of our lab is given by a special guest speaker: Michel Thiebaut de Schotten! The meeting will be held November 28th, h 14.00 at the Aula-Laboratorio Palazzo Zorzi, Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona.…
Next Seminar: “Visuo-tactile interactions in different somato-topographic areas and the definition of peripersonal space boundaries”
Next seminar: “Visuo-tactile interactions in different somato-topographic areas and the definition of peripersonal space boundaries” by Stefania Facchetti. The seminar will be held the 5/10/2018 at the Laboratorio of Psicologia, Palazzo Zorzi Lato Vipacco, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, at the Department…
BRNet 2018
At the Body Representation Network Workshop, held in Edinburgh, 29th June 2018, organized by Gianna Cocchini, Elisa Raffaella Ferre and Anna Sedda, Valentina Pacella presented her work “Neural Correlates of Anosognosia for Hemiplegia: A White Matter Disconnection Study”.
Next Seminar: “Moving in space in a wheelchair: the embodiment of one’s own wheelchair and its effects on navigational space representation in people with spinal cord injury”
The seminar will be held in May, the 15th, at the 9:00, at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D. Anyone and everyone are welcome to…
Next Seminar: “A practical introduction to Bayesian Statistics”
The seminar will be held in May, the 8th, at the 16:30, at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D. Anyone and everyone are welcome to…
Next Seminar: “Temporal Discrimination”
The seminar will be held in March, the 15th, at the 16:30, at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Valentina Pacella, Ph.D. student. Anyone and everyone are welcome…
2018 seminars
Dear all, in attachment the flyer with the next seminars organized by the lab. Flyer
Next Seminar: “Introduction to PsychoPy: an easy and free platform for neuroscience, psychology and psychophisics experiments”
The seminar will be held 6 June at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D., and Martina Costamagna, M.D. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join