Categoria: Conference


Maddalena Beccherle presented our lab’s research on fibromialgia & social and pleasant touch at #BRNet5 @bodyrepnetwork. A wonderful team’s study, thanks to Maddalena Beccherle @maddalenabecc, Martina Fusaro @MartinaFusaro, Prof. Salvatore Maria Aglioti @SAglioti, Prof. Valentina Moro @ValeMoroUnivr, @SCNL_AgliotiLab, @NpsyVr


Dear all, this is the calendar for our next seminars. They will be held both in presence and online. Specific indications will be given for each seminar in advance. Everybody and all is very welcome!

NPSY.Lab-VR Lab Day – July 2nd 2021

Dear all,You are invited to NPSY.Lab-VR Lab Day that will focus on Interoception and take place on July the 2nd, 2021 at 10:30 (CEST). Please find below the flyer with the program. The meeting will take place both in presence…

Gianni Falcone – Stazionario sarà lei. Sedie a rotelle e qualcos’altro.

Next seminar: “Stazionario sarà lei. Sedie a rotelle e qualcos’altro.” by Gianni Falcone.

The seminar will be held the 02/03/2020 at Polo Zanotto, room 1.6, Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.

Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.

The seminar will be held in Italian.

Psicologi in Piazza 2019 – Linguaggi corporei

Il 25 ottobre, dalle 14:00 alle 18:30, all’Aula SMT 11 Santa Marta, in via Cantarane 24 si terrà Psicologi in Piazza 2019. La prof.ssa Moro alle 15:00 terrà un seminario dal titolo “come il corpo illude la mente”. Alle 15:40…