
The team of our laboratory is involved in several educative and dissemination activities, among them:

Specialization courses:

  1. MRIcron course for lesional analysis (March, 21st – March, 31st 2014)
  2. Post-lauream training for psychologists and neuropsychologists
  3. Cognitive Stimulation and Educational Intervention for Elderly people (2015 – 2016)
  4. Summer School: “Bayesian statistical analyses for the human, social and cognitive sciences”
  5. BCBToolkit and FSL course

Postgraduate courses:

  1. CoSAN Ph.D. program
  2. Post-lauream training
  3. Permanent seminar on Neuropsychology

Third mission:

  1. Introductory courses in Neuroscience for primary schools: “Domande sul cervello: Attività didattica di introduzione allo studio del cervello nelle scuole elementari”
  2. Training in the territory for rehabilitators, physiotherapists, neuropsychologists, logopedists, psychomotricists, teachers and parents.