[NPSY-LAB.VR] X Symposium of the Spinal Cord Injury Research Group – Friday, 28th of March 2025 at 2:00 PM (CET)

You are all invited to the X Symposium of the Spinal Cord Injury Research Group titled “From basic research to rehabilitation: opportunities and challenges” that will take place on Friday, March 28th 2024 at 2:00 PM (CET). The seminar will…

[NPSY-LAB.VR] NPSY.Lab-VR meeting_11th of February, 2025_2:00 PM (CET)

Dear all, We are pleased to invite you at the next NPSY.Lab-VR talk held by Silvia Maserati, PhD student of National PhD Programme in Kinesiology and Sport Sciences fromDepartment of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences (University of Verona) and Conservatorio E.F.…

Seminario “NEUROSCIENZE E LEGALITÀ” – 12th of December at 9:00 am (CET)

Conto alla rovescia per il seminario su “NEUROSCIENZE E LEGALITÀ”-12 Dicembre, ore 9 – Aula T1 Polo Zanotto Dipartimento di Scienze Umane – Università di Verona. https://www.dsu.univr.it/?ent=iniziativa&id=12909 Le Professoresse Nadia Bolognini e Valentina Moro e i Professori Salvatore Maria Aglioti…

Appreciations and greetings for The Seventh edition of “Semplicemente se stessi” – meeting with Paralympic athletes – 5th of December 2024

Siamo grati per la bellissima mattinata spesa insieme all’atleta paralimpica Michela Brunelli, agli atleti paralimpici Federico Crosara e Federico Falco e all’allenatrice Aliona Gurita che si sono prestati a condividere esperienze sportive, personali e simpatici aneddoti delle loro vite dentro…