Categoria: Neuroscience

Phenomenology and neural correlates of implicit and emergent motor awareness in patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia.

Authors Moro V, Pernigo S, Zapparoli P, Cordioli Z, Aglioti SM. Abstract Anosognosia for hemiplegia (AH) is characterized by a lack of awareness of motor disorders and appears associated with fronto-temporal-parietal damage. Neuropsychological evidence indicates that behavioral indices of residual forms of motorawareness may co-exist with explicit denial of impairment. Here we explore…

The neural basis of body form and body action agnosia.

Authors Moro V, Urgesi C, Pernigo S, Lanteri P, Pazzaglia M, Aglioti SM. Abstract Visual analysis of faces and nonfacial body stimuli brings about neural activity in different cortical areas. Moreover, processing body form and body action relies on distinct neural substrates. Although brain lesion studies show specific face…

Selective deficit of mental visual imagery with intact primary visual cortex and visual perception.

Authors Moro V, Berlucchi G, Lerch J, Tomaiuolo F, Aglioti SM. Abstract There is a vigorous debate as to whether visual perception and imagery share the same neuronal networks, whether the primary visual cortex is necessarily involved in visual imagery, and whether visual imagery…

Finger recognition and gesture imitation in Gerstmann’s syndrome.

Authors Moro V, Pernigo S, Urgesi C, Zapparoli P, Aglioti SM. Abstract We report the association between finger agnosia and gesture imitation deficits in a right-handed, right-hemisphere damaged patient with Gerstmann’s syndrome (GS), a neuropsychological syndrome characterized by finger and toe agnosia, left-right disorientation…

Mapping implied body actions in the human motor system.

Authors Urgesi C, Moro V, Candidi M, Aglioti SM. Abstract The human visual system is highly tuned to perceive actual motion as well as to extrapolate dynamic information from static pictures of objects or creatures captured in the middle of motion. Processing of…

Suggestive evidence for an involvement of the right hemisphere in the recovery from childhood aphasia: a 3-year follow-up case study.

Authors Peru A, Moro V, Tellini P, Tassinari G. Abstract We describe the case of an 11-year-old, previously healthy, pre-puberal, right-handed girl with acquired aphasia following an extensive cerebral hemorrhage into a left hemisphere brain tumor. A 3-year follow-up evaluation of the girl’s…

Gravitational influences on reference frames for mapping somatic stimuli in brain-damaged patients.

Authors Peru A, Moro V, Sattibaldi L, Morgant JS, Aglioti SM. Abstract Previous studies have shown that the manipulation of body position in space can modulate the manifestations of visual neglect. Here, we investigated in right brain-damaged patients (RBD) the possible influence of gravitational…

Changes in spatial position of hands modify tactile extinction but not disownership of contralesional hand in two right brain-damaged patients.

Authors Moro V, Zampini M, Aglioti SM. Abstract Somatic misperceptions and misrepresentations, like supernumerary phantom limb and denial of ownership of a given body part, have typically been reported following damage to the right side of the brain. These symptoms typically occur…

Illusory movements of the contralesional hand in patients with body image disorders.

Authors Zampini M, Moro V, Aglioti SM. Abstract OBJECTIVES: In the present study, we assess whether illusory sensations of movement can be elicited in patients with right brain damage (RBD). METHODS: Ten RBD patients (three with disorders of bodily representations) were asked…

Dissociation between taste and tactile extinction on the tongue after right brain damage.

Authors Berlucchi G, Moro V, Guerrini C, Aglioti SM. Abstract In patients with right brain damage (RBD) or left brain damage (LBD) and healthy subjects, tactile and three basic gustatory stimuli (sour, salty, bitter) were applied to the left or right hemitongues or…