Summer school – Embodied Inter-subjectivity : the 1st person and the 2nd person perspective

The NPSY-Lab.VR will be present at the Aegina Summer School about embodiment.

This Summer School is built upon the success of a previous summer school on the “The Sense of Body” that was organized in Italy in 2008 (please see the special issue of Neuropsychologia (2010), 48 (3), 643-830, edited by Tessari A, Serino A, Tsakiris M & Borghi A). The focus of this event is to revisit the question of embodiment with a particular focus on self-world interactions and social cognition.

The programme of the school includes sessions on:

– 1st person perspectives of embodiment

– The embodied self in interaction with the world

– Ontogenetic and phylogenetic perspectives on social cognition

– Transition from 3rd person- to 2nd person perspective in social neuroscience

– Embodying other people’s minds and bodies

The selection process was difficult, with about 50% of candidates rejected.

Michele Scandola was selected to partecipate, and he will present a poster on his work “The Rubber Hand Illusion after face stimulation in people with Spinal Cord Injuries”.

Further details about this summer school here.