Categoria: Neuroscience

Third annual meeting of the SCI-Research Group

This year the meeting has been hold in Verona, at the Human Sciences Department of the University of Verona. The meeting started with an introduction by Valentina Moro, concerning the concluded and starting projects of the platform. Later Michele Scandola…

Next Seminar: “The Cerebellum”

The seminar will be held 27 June at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Martina Costamagna and Valeria Gobbetto. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join

Corporeal illusions in chronic spinal cord injuries

Authors Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Avesani R, Bertagnoni G, Marangoni A, Moro V. Abstract While several studies have investigated corporeal illusions in patients who have suffered from a stroke or undergone an amputation, only anecdotal or single case reports have…

Next Seminar: “Main concepts on Mixed Effect Models”

The seminar will be held 11 April at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D.6 Anyone and everyone are welcome to join

Next Seminar: ” Embodied Cognition Theories e lesioni spinal”

The seminar will be held 13 March at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be prof. Valentina Moro. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join

Next Seminar: “Affective touch nelle lesioni spinali: pleasant touch e empatia per il dolore”

The seminar will be held 14 February at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D., and Martina Costamagna, M.D. Anyone and everyone are welcome to…

Next Seminar: “Arnaldo ed i suoi lobi frontali. Discussione di un caso.”

The seminar will be held 8 February at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Cristina Bulgarelli and Martina Costamagna. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.

Visual and cross-modal cues increase the identification of overlapping visual stimuli in Balint’s syndrome

Authors Daniela D’Imperio, Michele Scandola, Valeria Gobbetto, Cristina Bulgarelli, Matteo Salgarello, Renato Avesani & Valentina Moro Abstract Introduction: Cross-modal interactions improve the processing of external stimuli, particularly when an isolated sensory modality is impaired. When information from different modalities is…

Next Seminar: “Percezione della temporalità dell’azione nei pazienti cerebrolesi destri”

The seminar will be held 12 January at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Valentina Pacella, Ph.D. student at the University of Roma “La Sapienza”. The meeting will be…

Self-grounded vision: hand ownership modulates visual location through cortical beta and gamma oscillations

Authors: Nathan Faivre, Jonathan Doenz, Michele Scandola, Herberto Dhanis, Javier Bello Ruiz, Fosco Bernasconi, Roy Salomon and Olaf Blanke Abstract: Vision is known to be shaped by context, defined by environmental and bodily signals. In the Taylor illusion, the size…