Tag: spinal cord injury (SCI)

NPSY.Lab-VR meeting – January 17th, 2023 at 4:00 PM

Dear all,you are invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place on Tuesday, January 17th 2023 at 4:00 PM (CET). The seminar, held by Michele Scandola, will follow the Journal Club format and address two recent articles: a…

Cognitive Training Improves Disconnected Limbs’ Mental Representation and Peripersonal Space after Spinal Cord Injury

Authors Valentina Moro, Michela Corbella, Silvio Ionta, Federico Ferrari and Michele Scandola Abstract Paraplegia following spinal cord injury (SCI) affects the mental representation and peripersonal space of the paralysed body parts (i.e., lower limbs). Physical rehabilitation programs can improve these…

“Interoception and rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injury”

Next seminar: “Interoception and rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injury” Moro V., Ionta S., Ferrari F., Brocalero Camacho A. M., Perez Borrego Y. A., Monti A., Bassolino M., Kannape O., Scandola M.

The seminar will be held the 23/11/2019 at the Aula Zorzi B, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 17, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.

Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.

The seminar will be held in Italian.

Next Seminar: “Neuroimaging studies on cerebral changes in spinal cord”

Next seminar: “Neuroimaging studies on cerebral changes in spinal cord” by Valentina Moro. The seminar will be held the 12/09/2019 at the Laboratorio of Psicologia, Palazzo Zorzi Lato Vipacco, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, at the Department of Human Sciences at the…

Embodying their own wheelchair modifies extrapersonal space perception in people with spinal cord injury.

Authors: Scandola M, Togni R, Tieri G, Avesani R, Brambilla M, Aglioti SM, Moro V Abstract Despite the many links between body representation, acting and perceiving the environment, no research has to date explored whether specific tool embodiment in conditions of sensorimotor deprivation influences extrapersonal space…

Anticipation of wheelchair and rollerblade actions in spinal cord injured people, rollerbladers, and physiotherapists.

Authors: Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Avesani R, Bertagnoni G, Marangoni A, Moro V. Abstract Embodied Cognition Theories (ECT) postulate that higher-order cognition is heavily influenced by sensorimotor signals. We explored the active role of somatosensory afferents and motor efferents in modulating the perception of actions…

Neurocognitive benefits of physiotherapy for spinal cord injury

Authors: Scandola M, Dodoni L, Lazzeri G, Arcangeli CA, Avesani R, Moro V, Ionta S. Abstract Spinal cord injury (SCI) interrupts the brain-body input-output exchange and modifies the mental representation of disconnected body parts, with decreased reliance on sensorimotor aspects of body representation and increased weighting…