The seminar will be held 11 April at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D.6 Anyone and everyone are welcome to join
Tag: seminar
Next Seminar: ” Embodied Cognition Theories e lesioni spinal”
The seminar will be held 13 March at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be prof. Valentina Moro. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join
Next Seminar: “Affective touch nelle lesioni spinali: pleasant touch e empatia per il dolore”
The seminar will be held 14 February at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D., and Martina Costamagna, M.D. Anyone and everyone are welcome to…
Next Seminar: “Arnaldo ed i suoi lobi frontali. Discussione di un caso.”
The seminar will be held 8 February at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Cristina Bulgarelli and Martina Costamagna. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.
Next Seminar: “Percezione della temporalità dell’azione nei pazienti cerebrolesi destri”
The seminar will be held 12 January at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Valentina Pacella, Ph.D. student at the University of Roma “La Sapienza”. The meeting will be…
The SCI-Research Group in the “L’informatore”
In the “L’Informatore”, the ufficial magazine of G.A.L.M., the Group of Animation for patients with Spinal Cord Injury of Verona, reported in an article the first meeting of the SCI-Research Group members.
Convegno 20 novembre 2015 “Mente e movimento nell’invecchiamento fisiologico e patologico”
Friday, the 20th of November at 20:30, in the medical-cultural centre “G. Marani”, will be held a conference concerning the physiological and pathological modification of mind and motion. The title of the conference is “Mente e movimento nell’invecchiamento fisiologico e…
Next Seminar: Plasticità cerebrale e apprendiento della lettura
Prof. Valentina Moro will held a seminar concerning cerebral plasticity and learning to read at the “Istituto Comprensivo Roncalli”, the 9th of October, 2015. Free entry, mandatory registration ( Download the flier
Next Seminar: Come l’educazione cambia il cervello
Prof. Valentina Moro, the 9th of October, 2015 at the “Istituto Comprensivo Roncalli” will participate to a conversation concerning the plasticity of brain structures and how its shaped by education. Free entry with mandatory registration ( Download the flier
Next Seminar: Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
Michele Scandola, Ph.D. will held an Introductory Seminar concerning bayesian statistics the 7th of October, 2015, at the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology at the Zorzi Building, Room “Zorzi B”. The course will be focused during the morning on…