Tag: rehabilitation

[NPSY-LAB.VR] NPSY.Lab-VR meeting_11th of February, 2025_2:00 PM (CET)

Dear all, We are pleased to invite you at the next NPSY.Lab-VR talk held by Silvia Maserati, PhD student of National PhD Programme in Kinesiology and Sport Sciences fromDepartment of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences (University of Verona) and Conservatorio E.F.…

“Donne A FASI CHE cambiano” presso Teatro Ristori – 23 febbraio 2025 ore 17:00

“Donne A FASI CHE cambiano” – 23 febbraio 2025 – Teatro Ristori, Via Ristori, 7 – Verona. Siamo felici di diffondere l’invito a questo evento gratuito promosso dal servizio di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione – Servizio di Logopedia di IRCCS…

“Donne A FASI CHE cambiano” presso IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore / don Calabria di Negrar – 20 aprile 2024

“Donne A FASI CHE cambiano” – 20 Aprile 2024 – Sala convegni “Fr. F. Perez”. Noi ci saremo! Siamo felici di diffondere l’invito a questo evento gratuito promosso dal servizio di Riabilitazione di IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore / don Calabria…

Cognitive Training Improves Disconnected Limbs’ Mental Representation and Peripersonal Space after Spinal Cord Injury

Authors Valentina Moro, Michela Corbella, Silvio Ionta, Federico Ferrari and Michele Scandola Abstract Paraplegia following spinal cord injury (SCI) affects the mental representation and peripersonal space of the paralysed body parts (i.e., lower limbs). Physical rehabilitation programs can improve these…

“Interoception and rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injury”

Next seminar: “Interoception and rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injury” Moro V., Ionta S., Ferrari F., Brocalero Camacho A. M., Perez Borrego Y. A., Monti A., Bassolino M., Kannape O., Scandola M.

The seminar will be held the 23/11/2019 at the Aula Zorzi B, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 17, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.

Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.

The seminar will be held in Italian.

Neurocognitive benefits of physiotherapy for spinal cord injury

Authors: Scandola M, Dodoni L, Lazzeri G, Arcangeli CA, Avesani R, Moro V, Ionta S. Abstract Spinal cord injury (SCI) interrupts the brain-body input-output exchange and modifies the mental representation of disconnected body parts, with decreased reliance on sensorimotor aspects of body representation and increased weighting…

Fourth annual meeting of the International Group for Research into Spinal Cord Injury (SCI-Research Group)

Il quarto incontro annuale del Gruppo Internazionale per la Ricerca sulle Lesioni al Midollo Spinale (SCI-Research group – https://sites.hss.univr.it/npsy-labvr/spinal-cord-injury-research-center/) si terrà il 12 novembre, alle 15:00 nell’Aula Laboratorio di Scienze Umane, Palazzo Zorzi Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 17, at the University…

Next Seminar: “Fibromialgia: paradigma della complessità”

The seminar will be held in Septembre, the 28th, at the 14:00, at the Aula Laboratorio, Palazzo Zorzi, Lungadige PortaVittoria, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Prof. Vittorio Schweiger. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join. The…

Modulation of somatoparaphrenia following left-hemisphere damage

Authors: Daniela D’Imperio, Giampaolo Tomelleri, Giuseppe Moretto & Valentina Moro Abstract Somatoparaphrenic symptoms after left-hemisphere damage are rare. To verify the potential role of body-related sensory (proprioceptive, visual, and somatosensory) manipulation in patients experiencing sensations of hand disownership, the symptoms…