Tag: peripersonal space

Local media on “Spinal cord lesions shrink peripersonal space around the feet, passive mobilization of paraplegic limbs restores it”

Our latest article, Spinal cord lesions shrink peripersonal space around the feet, passive mobilization of paraplegic limbs restores it, has attracted the attention of local media. Radio interview

Spinal cord lesions shrink peripersonal space around the feet, passive mobilization of paraplegic limbs restores it.

Authors Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Bonente C, Avesani R, Moro V. Abstract Peripersonal space (PPS) is the space surrounding us within which we interact with objects. PPS may be modulated by actions (e.g. when using tools) or sense of ownership…

Alterations of the peripersonal space around the feet in paraplegics

This poster was presentated at the CAOs 2014 conference, held Rovereto (TN), Italy, 8th – 11th of May. Authors: Scandola M., Brunell G., Avesani R., Bonente C., Aglioti S.M., Moro V. Abstract: Cross-modal congruency paradigms (CMCP) are widely used to…