Dear all,You are invited to the IX Symposium of the Spinal Cord Injury Research Group titled “Work in progress for the Research Group’s Projects” that will take place on Friday, February 16th 2024 at 2:30 PM (CET). NPSY.Lab-VR organises the…
Authors: Scandola M, Togni R, Tieri G, Avesani R, Brambilla M, Aglioti SM, Moro V Abstract Despite the many links between body representation, acting and perceiving the environment, no research has to date explored whether specific tool embodiment in conditions of sensorimotor deprivation influences extrapersonal space…
Next seminar: “The state of Peripersonal and tool-embodimento literature” by Michele Scandola. The seminar will be held the 25/03/2019 at the Laboratorio of Psicologia, Palazzo Zorzi Lato Vipacco, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of…
Authors: Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Avesani R, Bertagnoni G, Marangoni A, Moro V. Abstract Embodied Cognition Theories (ECT) postulate that higher-order cognition is heavily influenced by sensorimotor signals. We explored the active role of somatosensory afferents and motor efferents in modulating the perception of actions…
Spatial Cognition is concerned with the acquisition, organization, and utilization of knowledge about spatial objects and environments, be it real, virtual, or abstract, human or machine. Spatial Cognition comprises research in different scientific fields insofar as they are concerned with…
At the MeeTo conference, held in Turin, Italy, from the 25th to the 27th May, 2018, Valentina Pacella presented “The role of white matter disconnections in anosognosia for hemiplegia”, while Michele Scandola presented “Moving in space in a wheelchair the…
The seminar will be held in May, the 15th, at the 9:00, at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D. Anyone and everyone are welcome to…
Authors Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Avesani R, Bertagnoni G, Marangoni A, Moro V. Abstract While several studies have investigated corporeal illusions in patients who have suffered from a stroke or undergone an amputation, only anecdotal or single case reports have…
Il 29 Novembre, ala Fondazione “Santa Lucia” a Roma, si terrà la conferenza dal titolo “Rappresentazione cerebrale di Corpo, Movimento e Spazio dopo lesioni del midollo spinale. Implicazioni cliniche e riabilitative”, che rappresenterà la seconda conferenza che illustrerà lo stato…