Our latest article, Spinal cord lesions shrink peripersonal space around the feet, passive mobilization of paraplegic limbs restores it, has attracted the attention of local media. Radio interview
Spinal cord lesions shrink peripersonal space around the feet, passive mobilization of paraplegic limbs restores it.
Authors Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Bonente C, Avesani R, Moro V. Abstract Peripersonal space (PPS) is the space surrounding us within which we interact with objects. PPS may be modulated by actions (e.g. when using tools) or sense of ownership…
The SCI-Research Group in the “L’informatore”
In the “L’Informatore”, the ufficial magazine of G.A.L.M., the Group of Animation for patients with Spinal Cord Injury of Verona, reported in an article the first meeting of the SCI-Research Group members.
The Representation of Objects in Apraxia: From Action Execution to Error Awareness
Authors Loredana Canzano, Michele Scandola, Valeria Gobbetto, Giuseppe Moretto, Daniela D’Imperio and Valentina Moro Abstract Apraxia is a well-known syndrome characterized by the sufferer’s inability to perform routine gestures. In an attempt to understand the syndrome better, various different theories…
Motor imagery in spinal cord injured people is modulated by somatotopic coding, perspective taking, and post-lesional chronic pain
Authors Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Pozeg P, Avesani R, Moro V Abstract Motor imagery (MI) allows one to mentally represent an action without necessarily performing it. Importantly, however, MI is profoundly influenced by the ability to actually execute actions, as…
Next Seminar: “Perspectives of the Self: Multisensory and Sensorimotor Integration in Anosognosia for Hemiplegia and Related Disorders”
The seminar will be held Wednesday 27 January at the Lorenzi Room, at the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psycholody at the University of Verona. The speaker will be professor Aikaterini Fotopoulou, member of the Psychoanalysis Unit Research at the…