Dear all, you are invited to the next NPSY-Lab.VR Meeting, which will take place on Monday November 23rd, 2020 at 4:30 pm. The meeting will be held in English. Zoom Link: univr.zoom.us/j/86136677509
NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – November 9th 2020 Dear all, you are invited to the next NPSY-Lab.VR Meeting, which will take place on Monday 9th November 2020 at 4:30 pm.The meeting will be held in English, but it will be possible to ask questions and curiosity…
Authors Elena Rossato, Elisabetta Verzini, Michele Scandola, Federico Ferrari & Silvia Bonadiman Abstract The disabling effects of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) present a significant healthcare concern to developed countries. In order to achieve a reliable prognosis, validated assessment scales are…
Authors Valentina Pacella, Michele Scandola, Maddalena Beccherle, Cristina Bulgarelli, Renato Avesani, Giovanni Carbognin, Giulia Agostini, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, Valentina Moro Abstract Being aware of one’s own ability to interact socially is crucial to everyday life. After a brain injury,…
Author: Michele Scandola Version: 1.1.0 Analyse single case analyses against a control group. Its purpose is to provide a flexible, with good power and low first type error approach that can manage at the same time controls’ and patient’s data.…