BrainStim SYS

Brainstim SYS
a transcranial stimulation with low-intensity direct current (tDCS) or alternating current (tACS, tRNS) generates neuromodulations in spontaneous neuronal activity (
BioPAC MP150 System
composed by:
8 EEG channels
2 EMG channels
1 galvanic skin response sensor
1 respiration rate sensor
1 heart rate sensor
1 skin temperature sensor

The Enactive Torch
a vibro-tactile feedback system to the body, whose strength is directly proportional to the distance of obstacles/objects from the tip.
Oculus Rift Head Mounted Virtual Reality Display

Oculus Rift
A VR system for full-immersive virtual reality environments
Home-made equipment for cross-modal visuo-tactile experiments
A computer-controlled cross-modal visuo-tactile equipment.
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