Dear all, you are invited to the next NPSY-Lab.VR Meeting, which will take place on Monday November 23rd, 2020 at 4:30 pm. The meeting will be held in English. Zoom Link: univr.zoom.us/j/86136677509
Next seminar: “Stazionario sarà lei. Sedie a rotelle e qualcos’altro.” by Gianni Falcone.
The seminar will be held the 02/03/2020 at Polo Zanotto, room 1.6, Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.
Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.
The seminar will be held in Italian.
Next seminar: “Alois Alzheimer e Chiara. La nonna che non c’e.” by Giorgio Soffiantini.
The seminar will be held the 28/02/2020 at Polo Zanotto, room 1.6, Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.
Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.
The seminar will be held in Italian.
We’re glad to announce the third edition of “Semplicemente se stessi”. Don’t miss this conference with paralimpics atlhetes at the Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona.
We have added a new talk on our schedule, don’t miss it!
Ciclo di seminari
Next seminar: “Interoception and rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injury” Moro V., Ionta S., Ferrari F., Brocalero Camacho A. M., Perez Borrego Y. A., Monti A., Bassolino M., Kannape O., Scandola M.
The seminar will be held the 23/11/2019 at the Aula Zorzi B, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 17, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.
Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.
The seminar will be held in Italian.