by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su NPSY-Lab.VR at OHBM 2022
NPSY-Lab.VR work entitled “Motor awareness: a model based on neuropsychological syndromes” (V. Pacella, V. Moro) was presented at the Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Glasgow, Scotland.
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su NPSY.Lab-VR Lab Day – June 10th 2022
Dear all,You are invited to NPSY.Lab-VR Lab Day that will focus on Body representation in social contexts and take place on June the 10th, 2022. The day will start at 10:30 and will last until 16.30 (CEST). It will include “journal club”…
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su NPSY.Lab-VR meeting – January 11th 2022
Dear all, You are all invited to the first NPSY.Lab-VR meeting of 2022, which will take place on Tuesday, January 11th at 3.00 PM (CET). The seminar will be held by Giuseppe Riva and Daniele Di Lernia of Università Cattolica…
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su Seminario “Neuroscienze e società: Il cervello politico”
Siete tutti invitati al seminario “Neuroscienze e società: Il cervello politico” tenuto dal professore Salvatore M. Aglioti (“Sapienza” Università di Roma) il 17 dicembre 2021 alle 9:00 in aula T1, presso il Polo Zanotto all’Università di Verona. Sarà possibile seguire…
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – November 23rd, 2021
Dear all, You are invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place on Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021 at 2 PM (CET). It will be held by Michele Scandola and the topic will be: “The role of temporal and spatial…
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su Fourth edition: “Semplicemente sé stessi”
Siete tutti invitati all’incontro “Semplicemente sé stessi” che si terrà il 10 dicembre 2021 alle 9:00 in aula T1, presso il Polo Zanotto all’Università di Verona. Parteciperanno: il presidente del Comitato Italiano Paralimpico Regione Veneto Ruggero Vilnai, l’atleta Francesco Bettella…
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su Seventh annual meeting of the SCI-Research Group – November 12th, 2021
Dear all, You are invited to the Seventh annual meeting of the SCI-Research Group that will take place on Friday, November 12th 2021 at 2:30 PM (CET). The meeting will include several presentations on the topic of Body awareness and…
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – November 9th, 2021
Dear all, You are invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place on Tuesday, November 9th 2021 at 2 PM (CET). It will be held by Elena Facci and the topic will be: “Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – IV…
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – October 12th, 2021
Dear all, You are invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place on Tuesday, October 12th 2021 at 2 PM (CEST). It will be held by Maddalena Beccherle and Maria Pyasik and the topic will be: “Error monitoring in…
by Michele Scandola • • Commenti disabilitati su NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – October 5th, 2021
Dear all, You are invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place on Tuesday, October 5th 2021 at 2 PM (CEST). It will be held by Luca Pieri and the topic will be: Virtual Reality Technology in neuropsychological testing: a…