Categoria: Talk

Convegno 20 novembre 2015 “Mente e movimento nell’invecchiamento fisiologico e patologico”

Friday, the 20th of November at 20:30, in the medical-cultural centre “G. Marani”, will be held a conference concerning the physiological and pathological modification of mind and motion. The title of the conference is “Mente e movimento nell’invecchiamento fisiologico e…

Convegno 21 novembre 2015 “Osservazione dello sviluppo della coordinazione motoria nei bambini da 3 ai 6 anni”

The conference will be held the November, 21st 2015 14:30-18:30 in Rosà (Vicenza) in Italian. “La coordinazione motoria rappresenta un’area di sviluppo che si interfaccia ed anticipa gli altri percorsi evolutivi in particolare apprendimento, linguaggio e comportamento adattivo. Saper cogliere…

Next Seminar: Plasticità cerebrale e apprendiento della lettura

Prof. Valentina Moro will held a seminar concerning cerebral plasticity and learning to read at the “Istituto Comprensivo Roncalli”, the 9th of October, 2015.   Free entry, mandatory registration ( Download the flier

Next Seminar: Come l’educazione cambia il cervello

Prof. Valentina Moro, the 9th of October, 2015 at the “Istituto Comprensivo Roncalli” will participate to a conversation concerning the plasticity of brain structures and how its shaped by education. Free entry with mandatory registration ( Download the flier

Next Seminar: Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

Michele Scandola, Ph.D. will held an Introductory Seminar concerning bayesian statistics the 7th of October, 2015, at the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology at the Zorzi Building, Room “Zorzi B”. The course will be focused during the morning on…

“Miglior Tesi” prize

Rosanna Mignolli, who graduated with our laboratory, won the “Miglior Tesi” prize. This prize is intended to appraise the best theses of Triveneto, especially in the physiotherapist field. The title of Rosanna Mignolli’s thesis is: “ALTERAZIONI DELLA RAPPRESENTAZIONE CORPOREA NEI SOGGETTI CON…

Silvio Ionta (CHUV and UNIL) on “Insights and perspectives on sensorimotor integration”

The 5th of May, 2015, dr. Silvio Ionta, lecturer at the Laboratory for Investigative Neurophysiology, Department of Radiology and Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL) will speak about “Insights and perspectives on sensorimotor integration”.

Scientific Conference – Joint meeting of the FESN (Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology) and the GNP (German Society of Neuropsychology) from September 12-14, 2013 in Berlin, Germany

The FENS meetings are the most important conferences concerning Neuropsychology in Europe. This year one of the major topics of lectures and symposia will be the integration of experimental approaches and clinical application in Neuropsychology. The director of the NPSY-Lab.VR,…

After the Brain Awareness Week 2013

The NPSY-Lab.VR intervention at the BAW 2013 held in Rome was a success and an incentive to continue to work in this direction, with passion and commitment.