Categoria: Spinal cord

“Miglior Tesi” prize

Rosanna Mignolli, who graduated with our laboratory, won the “Miglior Tesi” prize. This prize is intended to appraise the best theses of Triveneto, especially in the physiotherapist field. The title of Rosanna Mignolli’s thesis is: “ALTERAZIONI DELLA RAPPRESENTAZIONE CORPOREA NEI SOGGETTI CON…

Rubber hand illusion induced by touching the face ipsilaterally to a deprived hand: evidence for plastic ‘somatotopic’ remapping in tetraplegics

Authors Michele Scandola, Emmanuele Tidoni, Renato Avesani, Giovanni Brunelli,Salvatore M. Aglioti and Valentina Moro Abstract Background: Studies in animals and humans indicate that the interruption of body-brain connections following spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to plastic cerebral reorganization. Objective: To explore whether…

Alterations of the peripersonal space around the feet in paraplegics

This poster was presentated at the CAOs 2014 conference, held Rovereto (TN), Italy, 8th – 11th of May. Authors: Scandola M., Brunell G., Avesani R., Bonente C., Aglioti S.M., Moro V. Abstract: Cross-modal congruency paradigms (CMCP) are widely used to…

Brain Awareness Week 2013

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research, founded by the Dana Foundation. The NPSY-Lab.VR will partecipate at the BAW 2013 in Rome, organized by the prof. Aglioti’s SCNLab, with…

Massive somatic deafferentation and motor deefferentation of the lower part of the body impair its visual recognition: a psychophysical study of patients with spinal cord injury.

Authors Pernigo S, Moro V, Avesani R, Miatello C, Urgesi C, Aglioti SM. Abstract Embodied cognition theories postulate that perceiving and understanding the body states of other individuals are underpinned by the neural structures activated during first-hand experience of the same states. This suggests that…