Categoria: Spinal cord

Anticipation of wheelchair and rollerblade actions in spinal cord injured people, rollerbladers, and physiotherapists.

Authors: Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Avesani R, Bertagnoni G, Marangoni A, Moro V. Abstract Embodied Cognition Theories (ECT) postulate that higher-order cognition is heavily influenced by sensorimotor signals. We explored the active role of somatosensory afferents and motor efferents in modulating the perception of actions…

Neurocognitive benefits of physiotherapy for spinal cord injury

Authors: Scandola M, Dodoni L, Lazzeri G, Arcangeli CA, Avesani R, Moro V, Ionta S. Abstract Spinal cord injury (SCI) interrupts the brain-body input-output exchange and modifies the mental representation of disconnected body parts, with decreased reliance on sensorimotor aspects of body representation and increased weighting…

Fourth annual meeting of the International Group for Research into Spinal Cord Injury (SCI-Research Group)

Il quarto incontro annuale del Gruppo Internazionale per la Ricerca sulle Lesioni al Midollo Spinale (SCI-Research group – si terrà il 12 novembre, alle 15:00 nell’Aula Laboratorio di Scienze Umane, Palazzo Zorzi Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 17, at the University…

Next Seminar: “Error Awareness in Space”

The seminar “Error Awareness in Space” will be held at the University of Verona, Dept. of Human Sciences, September the 20th. The presenter will be Michele Scandola.

Presentation at the Spatial Cognition 2018, Tuebingen

Spatial Cognition is concerned with the acquisition, organization, and utilization of knowledge about spatial objects and environments, be it real, virtual, or abstract, human or machine. Spatial Cognition comprises research in different scientific fields insofar as they are concerned with…

MeeTo 2018

At the MeeTo conference, held in Turin, Italy, from the 25th to the 27th May, 2018, Valentina Pacella presented “The role of white matter disconnections in anosognosia for hemiplegia”, while Michele Scandola presented “Moving in space in a wheelchair the…

Next Seminar: “Semplicemente sé stessi” – Incontro con gli atleti paralimpici

“Semplicemente sé stessi” – Simple yourself. This was a conference with paralimpics atlhetes at the Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona. It was held the 18th of April, 2018. Francesca Porcellato and Michele Ferrarin told their stories to University…

Next Seminar: “Moving in space in a wheelchair: the embodiment of one’s own wheelchair and its effects on navigational space representation in people with spinal cord injury”

The seminar will be held in May, the 15th, at the 9:00, at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Michele Scandola, Ph.D. Anyone and everyone are welcome to…

2018 seminars

Dear all, in attachment the flyer with the next seminars organized by the lab. Flyer

“Our” recently graduated physiotherapists

Our students successfully defended their theses: all of them graduated with honors! Congratulations to (in alphabetical order): Edoardo Bongiovanni Giulia Caffini Gianluca Dalla Chiusa Ilaria Dus Annica Stanzial Good luck for the future!