Authors Valentina Moro, Michela Corbella, Silvio Ionta, Federico Ferrari and Michele Scandola Abstract Paraplegia following spinal cord injury (SCI) affects the mental representation and peripersonal space of the paralysed body parts (i.e., lower limbs). Physical rehabilitation programs can improve these…
Categoria: Rehabilitation
NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – April 26th 2021
The Motor Unawareness Assessment (MUNA): A new tool for the assessment of Anosognosia for hemiplegia
Authors Valentina Moro , Sahba Besharati , Michele Scandola , Sara Bertagnoli , Valeria Gobbetto , Sonia Ponzo , Cristina Bulgarelli Department of Rehabilitation, IRCSS Sacro Cuore- Don Calabria , Verona, Italy View further author information, Aikaterini Fotopoulou & Paul…
Role of LCF scale as an outcome prognostic index in patients with traumatic brain injury
Authors Elena Rossato, Elisabetta Verzini, Michele Scandola, Federico Ferrari & Silvia Bonadiman Abstract The disabling effects of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) present a significant healthcare concern to developed countries. In order to achieve a reliable prognosis, validated assessment scales are…
Anosognosia for theory of mind deficits: A single case study and a review of the literature
Authors Valentina Pacella, Michele Scandola, Maddalena Beccherle, Cristina Bulgarelli, Renato Avesani, Giovanni Carbognin, Giulia Agostini, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, Valentina Moro Abstract Being aware of one’s own ability to interact socially is crucial to everyday life. After a brain injury,…
Recovery from tactile agnosia: a single case study
Authors: Daniela D’Imperio, Renato Avesani, Elena Rossato, Serena Aganetto, Michele Scandola & Valentina Moro Abstract In a patient suffering from tactile agnosia a comparison was made (using the ABABAB paradigm) between three blocks of neuropsychological rehabilitation sessions involving off-line anodal…