Categoria: Publication

The Representation of Objects in Apraxia: From Action Execution to Error Awareness

Authors Loredana Canzano, Michele Scandola, Valeria Gobbetto, Giuseppe Moretto, Daniela D’Imperio and Valentina Moro Abstract Apraxia is a well-known syndrome characterized by the sufferer’s inability to perform routine gestures. In an attempt to understand the syndrome better, various different theories…

Contextual bottom-up and implicit top-down modulation of anarchic hand syndrome: A single-case report and a review of the literature.

Authors Moro V, Pernigo S, Scandola M, Mainente M, Avesani R, Aglioti SM. Abstract Anarchic hand syndrome (AHS) is a rare neurological condition characterized by seemingly purposeful, goal-directed hand movements which the person afflicted by the syndrome is not, however,…

“Miglior Tesi” prize

Rosanna Mignolli, who graduated with our laboratory, won the “Miglior Tesi” prize. This prize is intended to appraise the best theses of Triveneto, especially in the physiotherapist field. The title of Rosanna Mignolli’s thesis is: “ALTERAZIONI DELLA RAPPRESENTAZIONE CORPOREA NEI SOGGETTI CON…

The Italian Validation of the Anosognosia Questionnaire for Dementia in Alzheimer’s Disease

Authors Gambina G, Valbusa V, Corsi N, Ferrari F, Sala F, Broggio E, Condoleo MT,  Surdo V, Errera P, Cagnin AC, Moretto G, Moro V Abstract Although the Anosognosia Questionnaire-Dementia (AQ-D) is one of the main instruments for assessing Awareness…

Cognitive Stimulation of Executive Functions in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Specific Efficacy and Impact in Memory.

Authors Moro V, Condoleo MT, Valbusa V, Broggio E, Moretto G, Gambina G. Abstract Executive functions play an important role in the maintenance of autonomy in day-to-day activities. Nevertheless, there is little research into specific cognitive training for Mild Cognitive…

A tDCS program for rehabilitation of Tactile Agnosia

This poster was presented at the Thirty-Third European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, held in Bressanone, Italy, 25-30 January, 2015. Authors: D’Imperio D., Avesani R., Rossato M., Aganetto S., Moro V.

Simultagnosia nella Sindrome di Balint: uno studio sperimentale

This poster was presented at the Congresso Annuale Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia (SINP) 2014, held in Napoli, Italy, 23-24 October, 2014. Authors: D’Imperio D., Avesani R., Salgarello M., Bulgarelli C., Gobbetto V., Scandola M., Moro V.

Error-based training and emergent awareness in anosognosia for hemiplegia

Authors Moro V, Scandola M, Bulgarelli C, Avesani R, Fotopoulou A. Abstract Residual forms of awareness have recently been demonstrated in subjects affected by anosognosia for hemiplegia, but their potential effects in recovery of awareness remain to date unexplored. Emergent awareness refers…

Another perspective on anosognosia: Self-observation in video replay improves motor awareness.

Authors Besharati S, Kopelman M, Avesani R, Moro V, Fotopoulou AK. Abstract Anosognosia for hemiplegia (AHP), or unawareness of motor deficits contralateral to a brain lesion, has lasting negative implications for the management and rehabilitation of patients. A recent, bedside…

Anosognosia for apraxia: Experimental evidence for defective awareness of one’s own bucco-facial gestures

Authors Canzano L, Scandola M, Pernigo S, Aglioti SM, Moro V. Abstract Anosognosia is a multifaceted, neuro-psychiatric syndrome characterized by defective awareness of a variety of perceptuo-motor, cognitive or emotional deficits. The syndrome is also characterized by modularity, i.e. deficits…