Categoria: Neuroscience

Bodily Illusions and Motor Imagery in Fibromyalgia

Authors: Michele Scandola, Giorgia Pietroni, Gabriella Landuzzi, Enrico Polati, Vittorio Schweiger and Valentina Moro Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterised by chronic, continuous, widespread pain, often associated with a sense of fatigue, non-restorative sleep and physical exhaustion. Due to the nature of…

NPSY.Lab-VR meeting – January 11th 2022

Dear all, You are all invited to the first NPSY.Lab-VR meeting of 2022, which will take place on Tuesday, January 11th at 3.00 PM (CET). The seminar will be held by Giuseppe Riva and Daniele Di Lernia of Università Cattolica…

Seminario “Neuroscienze e società: Il cervello politico”

Siete tutti invitati al seminario “Neuroscienze e società: Il cervello politico” tenuto dal professore Salvatore M. Aglioti (“Sapienza” Università di Roma) il 17 dicembre 2021 alle 9:00 in aula T1, presso il Polo Zanotto all’Università di Verona. Sarà possibile seguire…

Gesture errors in left and right hemisphere damaged patients: A behavioural and anatomical study

Authors Michele Scandola, Valeria Gobbetto, Sara Bertagnoli, Cristina Bulgarelli, Loredana Canzano, Salvatore Maria Aglioti, Valentina Moro Abstract Erroneous gesture execution is at the core of motor cognition difficulties in apraxia. While a taxonomy of errors may provide important information about…

Cognitive Training Improves Disconnected Limbs’ Mental Representation and Peripersonal Space after Spinal Cord Injury

Authors Valentina Moro, Michela Corbella, Silvio Ionta, Federico Ferrari and Michele Scandola Abstract Paraplegia following spinal cord injury (SCI) affects the mental representation and peripersonal space of the paralysed body parts (i.e., lower limbs). Physical rehabilitation programs can improve these…


Dear all, this is the calendar for our next seminars. They will be held both in presence and online. Specific indications will be given for each seminar in advance. Everybody and all is very welcome!

NPSY.Lab-VR meeting – July 16th 2021

Dear all, You are Invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place on Friday, July 16th 2021 at 4:30 PM (CEST). This will be the last lab meeting before the summer break and it will address a review…

NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – June 21st 2021

Dear all, you are invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place next Monday, June 21st, 2021 at 4:30 PM (CEST). We will have the pleasure to have Louise Kirsch as our guest speaker, who will introduce us to…