Categoria: Neuroscience

Tactile salience influences extinction.

Authors Aglioti S, Smania N, Moro V, Peru A. Abstract We delivered unilateral (left or right) or bilateral tactile stimuli to hands or feet of right-brain-damaged patients, six with tactile extinction and two without. Stimuli were simple touches or sliding stimuli directed proximo-distally…

Influence of perceptual and semantic conflicts between the two halves of chimeric stimuli on the expression of visuo-spatial neglect.

Authors Peru A, Moro V, Avesani R, Aglioti S. Abstract We investigated how perceptual and semantic relationships between the left and right half of chimeric stimuli influence overt and covert visual processing by asking eight right brain damaged (RBD) patients with hemispatial neglect…

Overt and covert processing of left-side information in unilateral neglect investigated with chimeric drawings.

Authors Peru A, Moro V, Avesani R, Aglioti S. Abstract Overt and covert processing of contralesional information was investigated in 6 right-brain-damaged (RBD) patients with or without left hemispatial neglect by using three bedside tests that require the analysis of whole, half, and…