Master Universitario di I livelloAnno Accademico 2019-2020III Edizione Il Master è rivolto a laureati in scienze riabilitative e psicologiche, consiste nell’approfondimento di specifiche tematiche nel campo della riabilitazione cognitiva dell’adulto e dell’anziano con patologie neurologiche e neuropsichiatriche. SEDE: Roma DURATA:…
Categoria: Neuropsychology
Recovery from tactile agnosia: a single case study
Authors: Daniela D’Imperio, Renato Avesani, Elena Rossato, Serena Aganetto, Michele Scandola & Valentina Moro Abstract In a patient suffering from tactile agnosia a comparison was made (using the ABABAB paradigm) between three blocks of neuropsychological rehabilitation sessions involving off-line anodal…
Psicologi in Piazza 2019 – Linguaggi corporei
Next Seminar: “Studies on ownership and disownership”
Next seminar: “Studies on ownership and disownership” by Francesca Santoni. The seminar will be held the 19/09/2019 at the Laboratorio of Psicologia, Palazzo Zorzi Lato Vipacco, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.…
Next Seminar: “Neuroimaging studies on cerebral changes in spinal cord”
Next seminar: “Neuroimaging studies on cerebral changes in spinal cord” by Valentina Moro. The seminar will be held the 12/09/2019 at the Laboratorio of Psicologia, Palazzo Zorzi Lato Vipacco, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, at the Department of Human Sciences at the…
Anosognosia for hemiplegia as a tripartite disconnection syndrome.
Authors: Pacella V, Foulon C, Jenkinson PM, Scandola M, Bertagnoli S, Avesani R, Fotopoulou A, Moro V, Thiebaut de Schotten M. Abstract The syndrome of Anosognosia for Hemiplegia (AHP) can provide unique insights into the neurocognitive processes of motor awareness. Yet, prior studies have only explored predominately discreet…
Next Seminar: “Semplicemente se stessi”
Next seminar: “Semplicemente se stessi” by Michele Scandola, Alessandra Campedelli, Nadia Bala, Giorgio Gosetti, Alberto Zuccato, Federico Centomo, Ruggero Vilnai, Angelo Lascioli. The seminar will be held the 09/04/2019 at the Laboratorio of Psicologia, Palazzo Zorzi Lato Vipacco, Lungadige Porta…
Next Seminar: “Esprimersi attraverso il volto: Opercular Syndrome”
Next seminar: “Esprimersi attraverso il volto: Opercular Syndrome” by Valentina Moro and Valentina Pacella. The seminar will be held the 08/04/2019 at the Laboratorio of Psicologia, Palazzo Zorzi Lato Vipacco, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, at the Department of Human Sciences at…
Next Seminar: “The state of art peripersonal and tool-embodiment literature”
Next seminar: “The state of Peripersonal and tool-embodimento literature” by Michele Scandola. The seminar will be held the 25/03/2019 at the Laboratorio of Psicologia, Palazzo Zorzi Lato Vipacco, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of…
Anticipation of wheelchair and rollerblade actions in spinal cord injured people, rollerbladers, and physiotherapists.
Authors: Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Avesani R, Bertagnoni G, Marangoni A, Moro V. Abstract Embodied Cognition Theories (ECT) postulate that higher-order cognition is heavily influenced by sensorimotor signals. We explored the active role of somatosensory afferents and motor efferents in modulating the perception of actions…