The seminar will be held 27 June at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Martina Costamagna and Valeria Gobbetto. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join
Categoria: Neuropsychology
Modulation of somatoparaphrenia following left-hemisphere damage
Authors: Daniela D’Imperio, Giampaolo Tomelleri, Giuseppe Moretto & Valentina Moro Abstract Somatoparaphrenic symptoms after left-hemisphere damage are rare. To verify the potential role of body-related sensory (proprioceptive, visual, and somatosensory) manipulation in patients experiencing sensations of hand disownership, the symptoms…
Modulating Anosognosia for hemiplegia: the role of dangerous actions in emergent awareness
Authors: D. D’Imperio, C. Bulgarelli, S. Bertagnoli, R. Avesani, V. Moro Abstract Anosognosia for hemiplegia is a lack of awareness of motor deficits following a right hemisphere lesion. Residual forms of awareness co-occur with an explicit denial of hemiplegia.…
Next Seminar: “Arnaldo ed i suoi lobi frontali. Discussione di un caso.”
The seminar will be held 8 February at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Cristina Bulgarelli and Martina Costamagna. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.
Next Seminar: “Percezione della temporalità dell’azione nei pazienti cerebrolesi destri”
The seminar will be held 12 January at the T02 Laboratory of psychology for adult age, at the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona. The speaker will be Valentina Pacella, Ph.D. student at the University of Roma “La Sapienza”. The meeting will be…
Conferenza Internazionale sulle lesioni midollari
Il 29 Novembre, ala Fondazione “Santa Lucia” a Roma, si terrà la conferenza dal titolo “Rappresentazione cerebrale di Corpo, Movimento e Spazio dopo lesioni del midollo spinale. Implicazioni cliniche e riabilitative”, che rappresenterà la seconda conferenza che illustrerà lo stato…
Motor Versus Body Awareness: Voxel-based Lesion Analysis in Anosognosia for Hemiplegia and Somatoparaphrenia Following Right Hemisphere Stroke
Authors Valentina Moro, Simone Pernigo, Manos Tsakiris, Renato Avesani, Nicola M.J. Edelstyn, Paul M. Jenkinson Aikaterini Fotopoulou Abstract Anosognosia for hemiplegia (AHP) is informative about the neurocognitive basis of motor awareness. However, it is frequently associated with concomitant symptoms, such…
Motor imagery in spinal cord injured people is modulated by somatotopic coding, perspective taking, and post-lesional chronic pain
Authors Scandola M, Aglioti SM, Pozeg P, Avesani R, Moro V Abstract Motor imagery (MI) allows one to mentally represent an action without necessarily performing it. Importantly, however, MI is profoundly influenced by the ability to actually execute actions, as…
Next Seminar: “Perspectives of the Self: Multisensory and Sensorimotor Integration in Anosognosia for Hemiplegia and Related Disorders”
The seminar will be held Wednesday 27 January at the Lorenzi Room, at the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psycholody at the University of Verona. The speaker will be professor Aikaterini Fotopoulou, member of the Psychoanalysis Unit Research at the…
Convegno 20 novembre 2015 “Mente e movimento nell’invecchiamento fisiologico e patologico”
Friday, the 20th of November at 20:30, in the medical-cultural centre “G. Marani”, will be held a conference concerning the physiological and pathological modification of mind and motion. The title of the conference is “Mente e movimento nell’invecchiamento fisiologico e…