We are glad to announce the seventh edition of “Semplicemente se stessi”. Don’t miss this conference with Paralympics athletes at the Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona. –> This year there is something new! –> At the end of…
Maddalena Beccherle presented our lab’s research on fibromialgia & social and pleasant touch at #BRNet5 @bodyrepnetwork. A wonderful team’s study, thanks to Maddalena Beccherle @maddalenabecc, Martina Fusaro @MartinaFusaro, Prof. Salvatore Maria Aglioti @SAglioti, Prof. Valentina Moro @ValeMoroUnivr, @SCNL_AgliotiLab, @NpsyVr
Next seminar: “Stazionario sarà lei. Sedie a rotelle e qualcos’altro.” by Gianni Falcone.
The seminar will be held the 02/03/2020 at Polo Zanotto, room 1.6, Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona.
Anyone and everyone are welcome to join.
The seminar will be held in Italian.