Dear all, you are invited to the next NPSY-Lab.VR Meeting that will take place on Monday January 18th at 4:30 pm.We kindly ask people who are interested in participating but are not members of the NPSY.Lab-VR mailing list to contact…
Authors Valentina Moro , Sahba Besharati , Michele Scandola , Sara Bertagnoli , Valeria Gobbetto , Sonia Ponzo , Cristina Bulgarelli Department of Rehabilitation, IRCSS Sacro Cuore- Don Calabria , Verona, Italy View further author information, Aikaterini Fotopoulou & Paul…
Authors Michele Scandola, Loredana Canzano, Renato Avesani, Mara Leder, Sara Bertagnoli, Valeria Gobbetto, Salvatore M. Aglioti, Valentina Moro Abstract Anosognosia is a multifaceted syndrome characterized by a lack of awareness of motor, cognitive, or emotional deficits. While most studies have…
We’re glad to announce the third edition of “Semplicemente se stessi”. Don’t miss this conference with paralimpics atlhetes at the Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona.
Authors Valentina Moro, Valeria Valbusa, Nicole Corsi, Annachiara Bonazzi, Maria Teresa Condoleo, Elisabetta Broggio, Michele Scandola & Giuseppe Gambina Abstract Background Clinical competence is the term used to describe an individual’s capacity to express a choice regarding their participation in…
Authors: Pacella V, Foulon C, Jenkinson PM, Scandola M, Bertagnoli S, Avesani R, Fotopoulou A, Moro V, Thiebaut de Schotten M. Abstract The syndrome of Anosognosia for Hemiplegia (AHP) can provide unique insights into the neurocognitive processes of motor awareness. Yet, prior studies have only explored predominately discreet…
The seminar “Error Awareness in Space” will be held at the University of Verona, Dept. of Human Sciences, September the 20th. The presenter will be Michele Scandola.