Mese: Ottobre 2021

Master Universitario di I livello – Riabilitazione Cognitiva

Master Universitario di I livelloAnno Accademico 2021-2022V Edizione Il Master è rivolto a laureati in scienze riabilitative e psicologiche, consiste nell’approfondimento di specifiche tematiche nel campo della riabilitazione cognitiva dell’adulto e dell’anziano con patologie neurologiche e neuropsichiatriche. MODALITÀ: Blended (presenza/…

NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – October 12th, 2021

Dear all, You are invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place on Tuesday, October 12th 2021 at 2 PM (CEST). It will be held by Maddalena Beccherle and Maria Pyasik and the topic will be: “Error monitoring in…

NPSY.Lab-VR Meeting – October 5th, 2021

Dear all, You are invited to the next NPSY.Lab-VR meeting that will take place on Tuesday, October 5th 2021 at 2 PM (CEST). It will be held by Luca Pieri and the topic will be: Virtual Reality Technology in neuropsychological testing: a…