On May 9, 2019 in Barcelona was held the multiplier event “Familíes LGBT+: del reconeixement legal als drets efectius” to disseminate the outcomes of the Doing Right(s) project. Please refer to the program here.
On January 30, 2020 in Alicante took place the last multiplier event in Spain to disseminate the outcomes of the project about professional needs and training to deal with LGBT families.
On November 15, 2019 in Warsaw the multiplier event of the project Doing Right(s). Innovative tools for professionals working with LGBT families, to disseminate the outputs of the project: a glossary and a training tools for professionals. Click here for the program.
On February 13 and 14 will be held in Bologna the final conference of the project Doing Right(s). Innovative tools for professionals working with LGBT families. Please click here for registration and further information.
Il prossimo 13 e 14 febbraio si terrà a Bologna la conferenza “Competenze per includere. Scenari del fare tra servizi e famiglie LGBT”. L’evento conclude il progetto europeo Erasmus+ “DOING RIGHT(S). Innovative tools for professionals working with LGBT families” e affronta il tema delle competenze degli operatori per l’inclusione delle famiglie LGBT nei servizi. Con uno sguardo internazionale, la conferenza finale è rivolta a chi opera a vario titolo in ambito sociale, sanitario, educativo e legale.
Nella prima giornata, la mattina è dedicata alla presentazione degli strumenti formativi elaborati all’interno del progetto e agli interventi di esperti qualificati. Il pomeriggio, invece, sarà organizzato in workshop per sperimentare attraverso metodologie attive le riflessioni teoriche sviluppate nel corso della mattinata.La mattina della seconda giornata, invece, sarà una tavola rotonda per mettere a confronto buone pratiche locali in Italia, Spagna e Polonia.
Per gli interventi in lingua straniera è prevista la traduzione simultanea.
E’ necessario iscriversi: qui trovate il programma e tutte le informazioni necessarie.
Il 28 novembre a Verona presso la sede dell’Università – Polo Santa Marta, Via Santa Marta 6 si svolgerà la giornata di formazione “Genitori imprevisti. L’inclusione della famiglia LGBT nei servizi tra pratiche e teorie”.
La partecipazione è gratuita, è necessaria l’iscrizione a questo link:
Frameworks and tools for working with LGBT+ families in education, health and social care
In September from 16th to 21st Doing Right(s) summer school happened in Verona involving an amazing group of people: master and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers in health, education, law, social sciences, practitioners coming from Italy, Poland, Spain, Finland and Brasil. The DRs team, supported by Tarah Fleming, Stephen Hicks, Giulia Giardina and Giovanni Papalia, carried out an intensive week proposing lectures, workshops, discussions, data analysis, hands-on activities and reflective practices. Fantastic experience, hope to see you all again!
On January 25, 2019 in Gdansk was held the multiplier event to disseminate the first and second intellectual outputs of the project. Here you can find the program.
The event was mostly directed to teachers, psychologists and counsellors and over 60 people attended it.
The first Italian multiplier event took place in Bologna on February the 8th, 2019 to disseminate the intellectual outputs #1 and #2 results. Here is the program.
Il primo evento moltiplicatore in Italia si è svolto a Bologna l’8 febbraio 2019, per diffondere i risultati degli intellectual output 1 e 2. Ecco il programma.