what we focus on
“I’m always scared to meet homophobic people at school but, actually, people we met were always spontaneous, even the very catholic families”
Teachers and educators are in the front line for building an inclusive society.
“We had to collect friends, relatives, doctor, teachers’ testimony to attach to my adoption application, to tell that we are a family”
Social services are sensitive contexts in shaping innovative practices, in touch with the social changes.
“In hospital, we have been treated as a family, I mean, as a “traditional” family. The same with the paediatrician, or with the gynaecologist”
Professionals in health services play a pivotal role in supporting LGBT families' psychosocial well being.
The project
DOING RIGHT(S): innovative tools for professionals working with LGBT families aims at fostering the social inclusion of LGBT headed households developing high quality and cross-sectorial skills for professionals working in healthcare, educational, social and legal services. Academic training curricula in these fields do not properly address family diversity and the needs of non-heterosexual households. The general absence of a strategic training for a culture that includes all, puts LGBT families and their children under enormous pressure and difficulties as they have to find ways to fit into a system that has no effective tools to deal with their needs. DOING RIGHT(S) aims at filling this gap by developing a transnational and cross-sectorial curriculum in family diversity thanks to a interdisciplinary partnership made of academic institutions, LGBT associations and public administrations in Italy, Poland and Spain. The project is funded within the Erasmus Plus Program of the European Union.
- An interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial glossary of basic concepts on same sex families and parents, merging academic knowledge and professional cultures through an accessible and smart language;
- The analysis of the impact of current training on LGBT families issues for prospective educators and health-care and law practitioners in Italy, Spain and Poland;
- The construction of a set of professional competences needed to work with these families and their children both for grassroots professionals and for public services management;
- A transnational and cross-sectorial curriculum aimed at filling the gap of the actual academic offer in the field of education, healthcare, social work and education to foster the inclusion of LGBT parents and their children.
Crosscutting aim of the project is raising awareness about LGBT families’ inclusion, both in academic contexts and in public services. For this reason, the dissemination of the project results plays a crucial role; connected to every output each country, Italy, Poland and Spain, will develop a series of events devoted to different target groups, in order to transfer the results to the widest public. In particular DOING RIGHT(S) forecasts eight dissemination events of the outputs. They aim at involving different audiences: prospective and in-service professionals, professionals association, academic staff, researchers and policy makers. The project also engages a network of a great number of international Associate Partners supporting the project. Their role will play a crucial role in this phase of the project, in order to widespread the outputs both in the academic environments and in the professional fields.

Final conference – Bologna February 13 and 14, 2020

“Genitori imprevisti”. Multiplier event in Verona