Contents and program

The course will be open to national and international PhD students and Faculty members, in need to improve their analytic skills in the area of meta-analysis. It will be organized in two sections:

  • half-day preparatory statistical course to give the basic understanding on the statistical packages R and Jamovi, and on the required basic statistics to attend effectively the second section;
  • 2-day and half-day course on Meta-analysis.

Lecturer: Prof. Massimiliano Pastore, University of Padua, Italy

Teaching and tutoring staff:
dr. Elisa Menardo and dr. Margherita Brondino, University of Verona, Italy

The program of the course is as follows:

 Morning 9.00 – 13.00 Theoretical lessonsAfternoon 14.00 – 18.00 Exercises
Monday 12 
 – An introduction on Meta-analysis nad the issue of the results replicability – Build replicabile studies: the design analysis  – Introduction to R and Jamovi  
Tuesday 13 
 – Measures of effect size – Estimate of the effects and interpretation of results  – Exercises in R and Jamovi  
Wednesday 14– The package metafor – Meta-regression and publication-bias – graphical rappresentations  – Exercises in R and Jamovi – Discussion e conclusion on the exercises

Note. The program could be slightly changed during the course to address needs by participants