The Progetto di Eccellenza of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (University of Verona) and the Advisory Board, composed by Prof. Marie-Claude l’Homme, Prof. Geoffrey Rockwell, Dr. Roberto Rosselli del Turco, met online on September 8, 15, 22 and 24. All members of the Progetto di Eccellenza, professors, researchers, and Ph.D. students, presented their projects within the Digital Humanities’ framework. Among these, the team of Germanic Philology counts 4 projects: Prof. Maria Adele Cipolla and Dr. Anna Cappellotto presented “Digital ‘Alexanderlied’ (DAL): un’edizione scientifica delle redazioni della Canzone di Alessandro (V, S, B)”, “Un’edizione scientifica digitale del ‘Tristan’ di Gottfried von Strassburg, in Monaco, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 51” and “Bibliografia digitale dell’Edda di Snorri Sturluson”.

Eventually, Ph.D. student Paola Peratello presented her research project titled “AM 28 8vo and SKB A 120: A philological survey of two runic handwritten witnesses by means of digital editions and of a grapheme-oriented database”.

The Advisory Board evaluated the work done during the year 2019 and expressed their appreciation of the diversity and quality of the projects discussed.